XI. KolorCross Cycling race invitation
1.· Organiser:
Cycling Club Kazincbarcika
2.· Date:
24/11/2021 (Sunday)
3. · Race venue:
Kazincbarcika, Csónakázó-tó & park
GPS coordinates:
48°14'36.5"N 20°37'18.9"E
48.243473, 20.621903
4.· Age groups:
For details please see: CR Hungarian Race Regulation/Rules
5. Race
For details please see: CR Hungarian Race Regulation

6. Race application:
Application feesPre-application by the 30th of October 2019 with bank transfer (deadline is 12.00 am 30/10/2019)
U11,U13,U15 3500 Ft HUF
U17,U19,U23,Elit,Master 5000 HUF
Race application on the spot, at least
1 hour before the actual start of the race, but not later than 12.00 am (!!)
U11,U13,U15 4900 HUF
U17,U19,U23,Elit,Master 7000 HUF
7. · Bank account info:
Kerékpár Klub Kazincbarcika Cycling
Club Kazincbarcika
Bank account number
10402472 - 50515154 -
8. Awards:
9. Declaration:
I hereby confirm that I am in adequate physical condition to complete the race and I don't suffer in any illness or disease, which would hinder me in the completion. I am taking part in the race at my own risk and at my own accountability. Neither the organisers, the personnel/organisations working for and on behalf of the organisers nor any other owners/maintainers of the race course can be held accountable in any shape of form for any injuries or material damages before, during or after the race. I hereby confirm that I give up my rights of any legal proceedings may be possible with regards the aforementioned injuries or material damages in any connection with the race. I acknowledge the fact that I can't establish any claims on getting compensated for any such injuries, accidents or other material damages. I can be held liable and accountable both personally and financially for any damages caused by myself before, during or after the race. I hereby accept that I may appear in the video and photo shooting of the race as well as in the usage of these for advertisment purposes for which I am not entitled to receive any compensation.
I hereby accept that the organisers do not take any liability due to the inaccurately, inappropriately filled Race Appliaction forms and/or due to any incorrect data provided.
For those regulations which are not detailed in this race invitation primarily the CR Hungarian Race Regulation as well as the UCI regulations serve as a precedent.
* UCI Regulations